EKS Anywhere., Part-2 DellEMC CSI for PowerScale
This article is part of the EKS Anywhere series EKS Anywhere, extending the Hybrid cloud momentum | by Ambar Hassani | Apr, 2022 | Medium
This is the Part-2 of the PowerStore CSI and EKS Anywhere article. This part discusses the deployment of a sample persistent workload and testing various functionalities. Part-1 of this article can be found on this hyperlink
Recall our use-case from the Part-1 of this article. We will be leveraging a ReadWriteMany NFS based implementation pattern, where the persistence layer for our stateful workload is implemented over the Dell EMC PowerScale CSI. The below visual represents a high-level summary of the same
Let’s Begin
What are we going to test
- ReadWriteMany support
- Persistence (pod and deployment deletion)
- Snapshots (backup/restore)
- Volume Expansions via SmartQuotas
Note that all the YAML and bash scripts used in this example are already located in the $HOME/busybox/powerscale-rwx directory of the EKS Anywhere administrative machine. These would be created as a part of git cloning during the EKS Anywhere administrative machine creation process documented as a part of the saga series.
Recall we have the PowerScale CSI v2.5.0 deployed from the previous article
kubectl get pods --selector=app=isilon-controller -n csi-powerscale -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].status.containerStatuses[1].image}'
Let’s observe the initial state
Create the ReadWriteMany persistent volume via PowerScale CSI. The file exhibit for the PVC and the deployment is shown below. These files are already present on the EKS Anywhere Administrative machine while it was setup using Terraform.
cd $HOME
more $HOME/eks-anywhere/busybox/powerscale-rwx/busybox-rwx-pvc.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: busybox-rwx-pvc-powerscale
name: busybox-rwx-pvc-powerscale
csi: powerscale
storageClassName: powerscale
- ReadWriteMany
storage: 1Gi
kubectl create -f $HOME/eks-anywhere/busybox/powerscale-rwx/busybox-rwx-pvc.yaml
Observe the PVC and PV created via kubectl
Observe the NFS export created via PowerScale dashboard
Observe the RWX PVC created via PowerScale file explorer. Note that the persistent volumes created are intelligently prefixed with the EKS Anywhere cluster name for easier search and analysis
Create the Busybox deployment that will use the above created RWX persistent volume. The YAML file can be found here
cd $HOME
more $HOME/eks-anywhere/busybox/powerscale-rwx/busybox-rwx.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: busybox-rwx
namespace: default
progressDeadlineSeconds: 600
replicas: 2
run: busybox
run: busybox
- args:
- sh
image: busybox
imagePullPolicy: Always
name: busybox
stdin: true
tty: true
- name: busybox-rwx-pvc
mountPath: "/mnt1"
restartPolicy: Always
- name: busybox-rwx-pvc
claimName: busybox-rwx-pvc-powerscale
kubectl create -f $HOME/eks-anywhere/busybox/powerscale-rwx/busybox-rwx.yaml
Observe the volume attachment for first pod
kubectl describe pod busybox-rwx-6578cd97f8-2k2bc
Observe the volume attachment for second pod
kubectl describe pod busybox-rwx-6578cd97f8-ssndz
Notice that there are no files in the PVC via the PowerScale File explorer
Connect to the shell of the first pod
kubectl attach busybox-rwx-6578cd97f8-2k2bc -c busybox -i -t
From the container’s console, list the disks to verify that the Persistent Volume is attached. Notice that the PVC is mounted as /mnt1 and available via
Create files in the mount from the first pod
Observe in PowerScale file explorer if the files can be viewed under the PVC path
Connect to the shell of the second pod
kubectl attach busybox-rwx-6578cd97f8-ssndz -c busybox -i -t
Verify that the file created from the other pod exists
Verify if we can write to the PVC from the second pod
Observe in PowerScale file explorer if all the 4 files can be viewed under the PVC path
Testing persistence for various scenarios
Persistence after Pod deletion
Delete both the busybox pods
for each in $(kubectl get pods --selector=run=busybox --no-headers -o custom-columns=":metadata.name");
kubectl delete pod $each
New pods should be running. Exec into any of new pod and verify if the previously created files still exist in the mount
Peristence upon pod deletion is confirmed as per the above visual
Persistence after recreating Deployment
Delete the existing busybox deployment
Recreate the busybox deployment
kubectl create -f $HOME/eks-anywhere/busybox/powerscale-rwx/busybox-rwx.yaml
New pods should be recreated. Exec into any of new pod and verify if the previously created files still exist in the mount
Above visual confirms persistence after recreating the busybox deployment
Volume Snapshots
Next, we move on to the snapshot capabilities introduced in Kubernetes via the external snapshotter GA project. In this scenario, we will observe creation of snapshots for the persistent volume created above.
Before we begin, let’s understand some key terms that are used in combination to create the snapshots
- VolumeSnapshotClass (storage class for creating snapshots)
- VolumeSnapshot (Snapshots that will target the above snapshot class)
- VolumeSnapshotContent (The actual snapshot content)
The above concepts can be understood in further details available at Volume Snapshots | Kubernetes
And now on to the important files that are used for creating these snapshots
powerscale-volumesnapshotclass.yaml (template to create the volume snapshot class). As you can see this volume snapshot class leverages the powerscale csi driver to provision all the snapshots
cd $HOME
more eks-anywhere/powerscale/powerscale-volumesnapshotclass.yaml
apiVersion: snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: VolumeSnapshotClass
name: powerscale-snapclass
driver: csi-isilon.dellemc.com
# Configure what happens to a VolumeSnapshotContent when the VolumeSnapshot object
# it is bound to is to be deleted
# Allowed values:
# Delete: the underlying storage snapshot will be deleted along with the VolumeSnapshotContent object.
# Retain: both the underlying snapshot and VolumeSnapshotContent remain.
deletionPolicy: Delete
# The base path of the volumes on Isilon cluster for which snapshot is being created.
# This path should be same as the IsiPath from the storageClass.
# Optional: false
IsiPath: /ifs/data/csi
snapshot-sample.yaml (template for volume snapshots)
cd $HOME
more eks-anywhere/busybox/powerscale-rwx/snapshot-sample.yaml
apiVersion: snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: VolumeSnapshot
name: busybox-rwx-snapshot-powerscale-datetime
name: busybox-rwx-snapshot-powerscale-datetime
volumeSnapshotClassName: powerscale-snapclass
persistentVolumeClaimName: busybox-rwx-pvc-powerscale
create-snapshot.sh (handy script to create unique datetime based snapshots). The datetime text is automatically replaced by the below script to create unique snapshots. The template has two references
- The volume snapshot class will be used to create the snapshots
- The persistent volume claim with which the snapshot is associated
As you can see the below script will insert a unique datetime reference into the snapshot template and then use kubectl to create the unique snapshot
cd $HOME
more eks-anywhere/busybox/powerscale-rwx/create-snapshot.sh
NOW=$(date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
rm -rf $HOME/eks-anywhere/busybox/powerscale/snapshot.yaml
cp $HOME/eks-anywhere/busybox/powerscale/snapshot-sample.yaml \
sed -i "s/datetime/$NOW/g" $HOME/eks-anywhere/busybox/powerscale/snapshot.yaml
kubectl create -f $HOME/eks-anywhere/busybox/powerscale/snapshot.yaml
Create the volume snapshot class and observe the outputs
kubectl create -f $HOME/eks-anywhere/powerscale/powerscale-volumesnapshotclass.yaml
Create the baseline snapshot that will include the 4 files created earlier via the PVC
source $HOME/eks-anywhere/busybox/powerscale-rwx/create-snapshot.sh
Once the snapshot is created, we can view the volumesnapshot and volumesnapshotcontent
kubectl get volumesnapshot --no-headers
kubectl get volumesnapshotcontent --no-headers
We can view the same below and observe the use of powerscale-snapclass that was created in the above step. Note that the powerscale-snapclass consumes the powerscale/isilon csi driver to create and store the snapshots on PowerScale cluster
We can view the snapshot created in the PowerScale console. Note that the snapshots taken are intelligently prefixed with the EKS Anywhere cluster name
Now that we have the snapshot, we can delete the original persistent volume and create a new persistent volume from the saved snapshot
Let’s delete the busybox deployment and the RWX persistent volume associated with it
Recreate the RWX persistent volume from the snapshot. To do so, we have a handy script and a sample YAML file that will automatically create the persistent volume by providing the snapshot name
cd $HOME
more $HOME/eks-anywhere/busybox/powerscale-rwx/restore-pvc-sample.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: busybox-rwx-restored-pvc-powerscale
name: busybox-rwx-restored-pvc-powerscale
csi: powerscale
storageClassName: powerscale
name: volumeSnapshotName
kind: VolumeSnapshot
apiGroup: snapshot.storage.k8s.io
- ReadWriteMany
storage: 1Gi
cd $HOME
more $HOME/eks-anywhere/busybox/powerscale-rwx/restore-pvc.sh
read -p 'volumeSnapshotName: ' volumeSnapshotName
rm -rf $HOME/eks-anywhere/busybox/powerscale-rwx/restore-pvc.yaml
cp $HOME/eks-anywhere/busybox/powerscale-rwx/restore-pvc-sample.yaml \
sed -i "s/volumeSnapshotName/$volumeSnapshotName/g" \
kubectl create -f $HOME/eks-anywhere/busybox/powerscale-rwx/restore-pvc.yaml
Note the restore-pvc script takes in the volume snapshot name as a data source and builds a persistent volume named busybox-rwx-restored-pvc-powerscale via the powerscale csi
Let’s execute the script and create the restored persistent volume
source $HOME/eks-anywhere/busybox/powerscale-rwx/restore-pvc.sh
As seen in the above visual, the persistent volume is restored via the snapshot that was created using PowerScale CSI
Now we will redeploy the busybox pods by changing the name of the persistent volume claim in the deployment YAML. The name will be changed to the new persistent volume claim setup via the above snapshot restore step
nano $HOME/eks-anywhere/busybox/powerscale-rwx/busybox-rwx.yaml
Save the YAML and apply it
The describe pod output shows that the restored persistent volume is successfully attached to the pods
Now let’s repeat our mount and file listing verification to ensure that data is persisted in the snapshot and the restored persistent volume
We can observe that the new/restored persistent volume is also seen in the PowerScale cluster along with the 4 files
Exec into each of the busybox pods and verify that the 4 files created in the original persistent volume are present
This verifies the backup and restore process along with the snapshot capabilities presented via the PowerScale CSI
Volume Expansion via SmartQuotas feature
PowerScale CSI has built in procedures to integrate with SmartQuotas feature. This allows for seamless volume expansions for new persistent volumes. Note that SmartQuotas feature has to be enabled on the PowerScale cluster before creating the persistent volume. In my case, the SmartQuotas feature was enabled right at the start of this blog exercise
The snapshot restored persistent volume as seen in the above section has been created with 1Gi capacity. We will increase the same to 2Gi.
cd $HOME
kubectl patch pvc busybox-rwx-restored-pvc-powerscale -p '{ "spec": { "resources": { "requests": { "storage": "2Gi" }}}}'
As we can see from the below visual the capacity of the volume has been increased from 1Gi to 2Gi
We can observe the same in PowerScale dashboard where a hard limit for the restored persistent volume has been set to 2Gi. This is done by the PowerScale CSI via grpc calls to the SmartQuote routines running on the PowerScale cluster. As we continue to expand the volume, the hard limits will continue to change in the SmartQuotas dashboard for the respective persistent volume
With this we come to a close for this article hoping that you have been able to comprehend the installation of PowerStore CSI, workload deployment, scenario testing, etc.