EKS Anywhere., Part-1 Dell EMC PowerStore CSI
This article is a part of the multi-part story of EKS Anywhere. Access it here EKS Anywhere, extending the Hybrid cloud momentum | by Ambar Hassani | Apr, 2022 | Medium
In this article, we are going to explore the implementation, integration and testing of Dell PowerStore CSI with EKS Anywhere for an iSCSI based use-case.
TThe article is a deep-dive and hence split into 2 parts. This is the Part-1 of the PowerStore CSI and EKS Anywhere article. Part-2 of this article can be found on this hyperlink
As an introductory context, one can observe DellEMC’s CSI coverage CSI Drivers | Dell Technologies. In addition to the CSI implementations, DellEMC has also innovated and instrumented CSM (Container Storage Modules), which further heighten the range of experiences by adding authentication, authorization, observability, replication, etc.
A short note on Dell PowerStore is imminent and you can obviously google more for technicalities. As a summary, PowerStore is Dell Technologies award winning1 and a revolutionary storage appliance that’s designed for the data era. It provides customers with a data-centric, intelligent, and adaptable infrastructure solution. In tandem with the CSI support and a unified storage platform for Block, File and vVols, it packs a strong punch for the traditional and cloud native persistent workloads.
Our use-case:
We will be leveraging an iSCSI based implementation pattern, where the persistence layer for our stateful workload is implemented over the Dell EMC PowerStore CSI. The below visual represents a high level summary of the same
- Implement PowerStore CSI drivers on EKS Anywhere cluster
- Implement snapshotting capabilities via external-snapshotter
- Deploy a MySQL workload with persistence layer via iSCSI PowerStore CSI with a web-frontend based on Adminer
- Test various use-cases around persistence, snapshotting (backup & restore)
- EKS Administrative machine is setup as per the earlier article
- The ubuntu OS template for the clusters has been created as per this article
- One can do this on a new or an existing cluster either standalone or a dedicated management cluster mode
- At-least one static IP address from the same range of EKS Anywhere cluster network. This will be used to expose adminer web application via a load balancer acting as a front end web application for MySQL database
- A PowerStore array configured appropriately to be used for persistent storage via iSCSI.
Let’s begin
Assuming, I am starting with a fresh standalone workload cluster (you can have an existing one or create a new one). My cluster’s name will be eksa1 and the static IP for the API server will be
SSH into the EKS Anywhere administration and run the cluster creation script as shown below to create the standalone workload cluster
cd $HOME
source create-eksa-cluster.sh
#######################IMPORTANT NOTE#################################
keep the name of workload and management cluster EXACTLY THE SAME
in case of creating standlone workload clusters or management clusters
Workload cluster name: eksa1
Management cluster name: eksa1
staticIp for API server High Availability:
Kubernetes version 1.21, 1.22, 1.23, etc.: 1.23
Cluster creation log
Next switch the kubectl context to work with the standalone EKS Anywhere
cd $HOME
source eks-anywhere/cluster-ops/switch-cluster.sh
clusterName: eksa1
kubectl config get-contexts
* eksa1-admin@eksa1 eksa1 eksa1-admin
As one can see from the below kubectl output for my EKS Anywhere workload cluster, AWS EKS Anywhere ships with the standard storage class which is mapped to VMware’s CNS CSI. This default CSI is also covered in the other article EKS Anywhere., & the default storage class (VMware CSI/CNS) | by Ambar Hassani | May, 2022 | Medium
kubectl get storageclass
standard (default) csi.vsphere.vmware.com Delete Immediate false 7d4h
Automating the entire CSI installation for PowerStore
A handy script has been created that automates the entire process of CSI driver installation for iSCSI-based scenarios. In addition, it also creates the necessary storage class that can be used for persistent volumes rendered on PowerStore. You will need to gather the following details for your PowerStore array before proceeding: IP address, username, password and Global Array Id.
Retrieve the globalID
of the PowerStore array by logging in to your console > settings > properties
SSH into the EKS Administrative machine and execute the below script
cd $HOME
chmod +x $HOME/eks-anywhere/powerstore/*.sh
source $HOME/eks-anywhere/powerstore/install-powerstore-csi-driver.sh
Enter Cluster Name on which CSI driver needs to be installed
clusterName: eksa1
Enter IP or FQDN of the PowerStore array
Enter Global Id of the PowerStore Array
globalIdOfPowerStoreArray: PS4ebb8d4e8488
Enter username of the PowerStore Array
userNameOfPowerStoreArray: XXXXXXXXX
Enter password of the PowerStore Array
passwordOfPowerStoreArray: XXXXXXXXX
What follows is a series of logs denoting the completion of the CSI installation process including the external snapshotter as shown below
What follows is a series of logs and the last snippet is shown below, wherein the CSI driver is successfully installed and a storage class is created
> Installing CSI Driver: csi-powerstore on 1.23
> Checking to see if CSI Driver is already installed
Skipping verification at user request
|- Installing Driver Success
|--> Waiting for Deployment powerstore-controller to be ready Success
|--> Waiting for DaemonSet powerstore-node to be ready Success
> Operation complete
storageclass.storage.k8s.io/powerstore-ext4 created
Time for observations
As a part of the installation process the script will deploy the iSCSI packages and initiators on the cluster nodes. It will also deploy the external-snapshotter resources along with a helm chart that creates the below resources
- ReplicaSet named powerstore-controller (2 pods with 5containers each)
- DaemonSet named powerstore-node (2 pods with 2containers each)
Finally, it creates a storage class named powerstore-ext4
One can use the below commands to have a detailed observation
kubectl get pods -n csi-powerstore
powerstore-controller-75b885cb6b-lc8ql 5/5 Running 0 5h47m
powerstore-controller-75b885cb6b-wt4fm 5/5 Running 0 5h47m
powerstore-node-bfl2q 2/2 Running 0 5h47m
powerstore-node-p87jd 2/2 Running 0 5h47m
kubectl get sc
powerstore-ext4 csi-powerstore.dellemc.com Delete Immediate true 5h46m
standard (default) csi.vsphere.vmware.com Delete Immediate false 5h59m
kubectl get pods -n kube-system -l app=snapshot-controller
snapshot-controller-75fd799dc8-77ttw 1/1 Running 0 5h52m
snapshot-controller-75fd799dc8-jkqgk 1/1 Running 0 5h52m
Observe the logs controller pods for powerstore CSI
pstorecontrollerpod1=$(kubectl get pods --selector=name=powerstore-controller -n csi-powerstore -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}')
pstorecontrollerpod2=$(kubectl get pods --selector=name=powerstore-controller -n csi-powerstore -o=jsonpath='{.items[1].metadata.name}')
kubectl logs $pstorecontrollerpod1 -n csi-powerstore -c driver
kubectl logs $pstorecontrollerpod2 -n csi-powerstore -c driver
You can also run the logs command using -c and changing the container name to any of the below mentioned 5 containers
>>> attacher, provisioner, snapshotter, resizer, driver
Alternatively, one can also describe the deployment or the pod using
kubectl describe pod $pstorecontrollerpod1 -n csi-powerstore
kubectl describe pod $pstorecontrollerpod2 -n csi-powerstore
pstorenodepod1=$(kubectl get pods --selector=app=powerstore-node -n csi-powerstore -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}')
pstorenodepod2=$(kubectl get pods --selector=app=powerstore-node -n csi-powerstore -o=jsonpath='{.items[1].metadata.name}')
kubectl logs $pstorenodepod1 -n csi-powerstore -c driver
kubectl logs $pstorenodepod2 -n csi-powerstore -c driver
We can also view our EKS Anywhere cluster nodes registered in the PowerStore console. It can also be observed that the nodes are prefixed with eksa so that they are easy to identify (defined as a custom value inside the installation script)
One can further inspect detailed information by running the below commands.
A below snip can be interestingly seen of how the host registration occurs for the EKS Anywhere Cluster nodes for iSCSI
kubectl logs $pstorecontrollerpod1 -n csi-powerstore -c driver
{"level":"info","msg":"iSCSI Protocol is requested","time":"2022-05-25T04:45:03.244839368Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"setting up host on","time":"2022-05-25T04:45:03.244846314Z"}
{"level":"debug","msg":"REQUEST: GET /api/rest/host?name=eq.eksa-node-7257e0d1896f409d9a35c7c09e38eeab-\u0026select=id%2Cname%2Cdescription%2Chost_group_id%2Cos_type%2Chost_initiators HTTP/1.1 Host: Application-Type: CSI Driver for Dell EMC PowerStore/2.2.0 Authorization: ****** ","time":"2022-05-25T04:45:03.245021954Z"}
{"level":"debug","msg":"acquire a lock","time":"2022-05-25T04:45:03.245044727Z"}
{"level":"debug","msg":"RESPONSE: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 2 Cache-Control: no-cache Cache-Control: no-store Cache-Control: must-revalidate Cache-Control: max-age=0 Content-Language: en-US Content-Type: application/json Dell-Emc-Token: ****** Expires: -1 Set-Cookie: auth_cookie=******; Path=/; Secure; HTTPOnly X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff []\n","time":"2022-05-25T04:45:03.30190787Z"}
{"level":"debug","msg":"release a lock","time":"2022-05-25T04:45:03.302284994Z"}
{"level":"debug","msg":"REQUEST: GET /api/rest/host?limit=1000\u0026offset=0\u0026order=name\u0026select=id%2Cname%2Cdescription%2Chost_group_id%2Cos_type%2Chost_initiators HTTP/1.1 Host: Application-Type: CSI Driver for Dell EMC PowerStore/2.2.0 Authorization: ****** ","time":"2022-05-25T04:45:03.302521065Z"}
OK, we are all done with implementing the PowerStore CSI on our EKS Anywhere cluster. With this step completed you can move over to the Part-2 where we will deploy and test use-cases leveraging the PowerStore CSI.