EKS Anywhere., Part-2 Dell EMC PowerStore CSI

Ambar Hassani
18 min readMay 27, 2022


This article is a part of the multi-part story of EKS Anywhere. Access it here EKS Anywhere, extending the Hybrid cloud momentum | by Ambar Hassani | Apr, 2022 | Medium

TTThis is the Part-2 of the PowerStore CSI and EKS Anywhere article. This part discusses the deployment of a sample persistent workload and testing various functionalities. Part-1 of this article can be found on this hyperlink

Recall our use-case from the Part-1 of this article. We will be leveraging an iSCSI based implementation pattern, where the persistence layer for our stateful workload is implemented over the Dell EMC PowerStore CSI. The below visual represents a high level summary of the same

Let’s begin the deployment of the sample MySQL workload that will persist over the CSI volumes via iSCSI on Dell PowerStore array

Step-1 Deploy Persistent Volume based on PowerStore CSI

In Part-1, we have already implemented a storage class named powerstore-ext4 in our EKS Anywhere cluster. We will leverage this storage class to create a persistent volume

Once applied, we can see a new persistent volume being created with the storage class of powerstore-ext4. Interesting enough, we can see the volume name is also prefixed with our cluster name. Recall we had setup the prefixes in the my-powerstore-settings.yaml file (Part-1)# OBSERVE THE CREATED PVC AND PVmysqlpvc=$(kubectl get pvc --selector=name=mysql-pv-claim-powerstore-ext4 -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}')msqlpv=$(kubectl get pvc --selector=name=mysql-pv-claim-powerstore-ext4 -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].spec.volumeName}')kubectl get pvc $mysqlpvc
mysql-pv-claim-powerstore-ext4 Bound eksa1-vol-37f85727b0 8Gi RWO powerstore-ext4 118m
kubectl get pv $mysqlpv
eksa1-vol-37f85727b0 8Gi RWO Delete Bound default/mysql-pv-claim-powerstore-ext4 powerstore-ext4 118m
kubectl describe pvc $mysqlpvc
Name: mysql-pv-claim-powerstore-ext4
Namespace: default
StorageClass: powerstore-ext4
Status: Bound
Volume: eksa1-vol-37f85727b0
Labels: csi=powerstore-ext4
Annotations: pv.kubernetes.io/bind-completed: yes
pv.kubernetes.io/bound-by-controller: yes
volume.beta.kubernetes.io/storage-provisioner: csi-powerstore.dellemc.com
Finalizers: [kubernetes.io/pvc-protection]
Capacity: 8Gi
Access Modes: RWO
VolumeMode: Filesystem
Used By: <none>
Events: <none>
kubectl describe pv $mysqlpv
Name: eksa1-vol-37f85727b0
Labels: <none>
Annotations: pv.kubernetes.io/provisioned-by: csi-powerstore.dellemc.com
Finalizers: [kubernetes.io/pv-protection]
StorageClass: powerstore-ext4
Status: Bound
Claim: default/mysql-pv-claim-powerstore-ext4
Reclaim Policy: Delete
Access Modes: RWO
VolumeMode: Filesystem
Capacity: 8Gi
Node Affinity:
Required Terms:
Term 0: csi-powerstore.dellemc.com/ in [true]
csi-powerstore.dellemc.com/ in [true]
Type: CSI (a Container Storage Interface (CSI) volume source)
Driver: csi-powerstore.dellemc.com
FSType: ext4

VolumeHandle: 4c9b7271-ee18-4bb0-b904-279770e7d2d2/PS4ebb8d4e8488/scsi
ReadOnly: false
VolumeAttributes: Name=eksa1-vol-37f85727b0
Events: <none>

Now that the persistent volume has been created, we can verify the same in our PowerStore console. Note our volume can be easily identified with the cluster name which is prefixed to the volume name.

In addition, you can observe the Host Mapping is still at 0 since no pod is using the volume.

Step-2 Deploy a sample MySQL workload with persistent volume

With the above Persistent volume in place, we can now start defining a sample persistent workload and other operations around the persistency, backup and recovery, etc.

service/mysql created
deployment.apps/mysql created
# OBSERVE THE MYSQL DEPLOYMENTkubectl get pods --selector=app=mysql
mysql-59bd49b967-zhcsm 1/1 Running 0 2m8s
Once the pod is in running status, we can see that the persistent volume has been successfully mounted via the claim name defined in the mysql yaml filekubectl describe pods --selector=app=mysql<OUTPUT_SNIP>Events:
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Scheduled 3m10s default-scheduler Successfully assigned default/mysql-59bd49b967-zhcsm to eksa1-md-0-d684f49cd-xqj74
Normal SuccessfulAttachVolume 3m9s attachdetach-controller AttachVolume.Attach succeeded for volume "eksa1-vol-37f85727b0"

Normal Pulling 2m57s kubelet Pulling image "mysql:5.6"
Normal Pulled 2m39s kubelet Successfully pulled image "mysql:5.6" in 18.950450539s
Normal Created 2m38s kubelet Created container mysql
Normal Started 2m37s kubelet Started container mysql

At the same time, we can observe the the Host Mapping against our volume in PowerStore console has changed from 0 to 1

We can see that the volume is mapped to our respective node mapping by click on the Host Mapping value

Step-3 Create MetalLB load balancer

The MetalLB load balancer will be required to front-end the adminer web client through which we will manage the MySQL database. As a pre-requisite we should have collected at-least one Static IP addresses for the exposed load balanced service of adminer pod

Keep the static IP as mentioned in the pre-requisites handy!!!
In my case the static IP range is to 42, just a single IP for testing purposes. You can have a range defined per your comfort
helm repo add metallb https://metallb.github.io/metallb
helm install metallb metallb/metallb --wait --timeout 15m --namespace metallb-system --create-namespace
Now you can configure it via its CRs. Please refer to the metallb official docs on how to use the CRs.Next we will use the Custom Resources to create the IP address pools and advertise themcat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1
kind: IPAddressPool
name: first-pool
namespace: metallb-system
apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1
kind: L2Advertisement
name: example
namespace: metallb-system

You should see a flurry of logs similar to the below snip

Release "metallb" does not exist. Installing it now.
W0711 06:55:51.507363 23991 warnings.go:70] policy/v1beta1 PodSecurityPolicy is deprecated in v1.21+, unavailable in v1.25+
W0711 06:55:51.510195 23991 warnings.go:70] policy/v1beta1 PodSecurityPolicy is deprecated in v1.21+, unavailable in v1.25+
W0711 06:55:51.606228 23991 warnings.go:70] policy/v1beta1 PodSecurityPolicy is deprecated in v1.21+, unavailable in v1.25+
W0711 06:55:51.607914 23991 warnings.go:70] policy/v1beta1 PodSecurityPolicy is deprecated in v1.21+, unavailable in v1.25+
NAME: metallb
LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Jul 11 06:55:48 2022
NAMESPACE: metallb-system
STATUS: deployed
MetalLB is now running in the cluster.
ipaddresspool.metallb.io/first-pool created
l2advertisement.metallb.io/example created
# Verify if Metal LB is running properlykubectl get pods -n metallb-system
metallb-controller-69bbb4669c-jtzks 1/1 Running 0 4m3s
metallb-speaker-7xn5n 1/1 Running 0 4m3s
metallb-speaker-gz5bw 1/1 Running 0 4m3s
metallb-speaker-n4llr 1/1 Running 0 4m3s
metallb-speaker-wgwwv 1/1 Running 0 4m3s

Step-4 Deploy Adminer application

The adminer application is a web-based front end for MySQL database. It runs as a PHP web application and we will use it to create and update our database in MySQL for persistence testing.

kubectl create -f \
Give it some time and we will see the kube-vip will perform the background magic to finally allocate the external static IP which will be used for the LoadBalanced servicekubectl get pods
adminer-5f64885f68-dww7g 1/1 Running 0 13m
mysql-59bd49b967-zhcsm 1/1 Running 0 36m
kubectl get svc --selector=app=adminer
adminer LoadBalancer 80:31209/TCP 80s

As you can see that the External IP supplied by MetalLB for adminer application is Open the browser and hit the External IP as seen in the adminer service and enter the following values

  • server: mysql
  • username: root
  • password: password

Click on Create Database and for simplicity sake we will name the DB as csi-powerstore-test

Click on SQL command and paste the below statement populating the csi-powerstore-test with sample data. This will result in to a table named “car” populated with dummy data.

SET SQL_MODE = "NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO";START TRANSACTION;SET time_zone = "+00:00";/*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */;/*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */;/*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */;/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8mb4 */;--CREATE TABLE `car` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL,`type` text NOT NULL,`country` text NOT NULL,`manufacturer` text NOT NULL,`create_date` date NOT NULL,`model` text NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;INSERT INTO `car` (`id`, `type`, `country`, `manufacturer`, `create_date`, `model`) VALUES(1, 'Small', 'Japon', 'Acura', '1931-02-01', 'Integra'),(2, 'Midsize', 'Japon', 'Acura', '1959-07-30', 'Legend'),(3, 'Compact', 'Germany', 'Audi', '1970-07-30', '90'),(4, 'Midsize', 'Germany', 'Audi', '1963-10-04', '100'),(5, 'Midsize', 'Germany', 'BMW', '1931-09-08', '535i'),(6, 'Midsize', 'USA', 'Buick', '1957-02-20', 'Century'),(7, 'Large', 'USA', 'Buick', '1968-10-23', 'LeSabre'),(8, 'Large', 'USA', 'Buick', '1970-08-17', 'Roadmaster'),(9, 'Midsize', 'USA', 'Buick', '1962-08-02', 'Riviera'),(10, 'Large', 'USA', 'Cadillac', '1956-12-01', 'DeVille'),(11, 'Midsize', 'USA', 'Cadillac', '1957-07-30', 'Seville'),(12, 'Compact', 'USA', 'Chevrolet', '1952-06-18', 'Cavalier'),(13, 'Compact', 'USA', 'Chevrolet', '1947-06-26', 'Corsica'),(14, 'Sporty', 'USA', 'Chevrolet', '1940-05-27', 'Camaro'),(15, 'Midsize', 'USA', 'Chevrolet', '1949-02-21', 'Lumina'),(16, 'Van', 'USA', 'Chevrolet', '1944-11-02', 'Lumina_APV'),(17, 'Van', 'USA', 'Chevrolet', '1962-06-07', 'Astro'),(18, 'Large', 'USA', 'Chevrolet', '1951-01-11', 'Caprice'),(19, 'Sporty', 'USA', 'Chevrolet', '1966-11-01', 'Corvette'),(20, 'Large', 'USA', 'Chrysler', '1964-07-10', 'Concorde'),(21, 'Compact', 'USA', 'Chrysler', '1938-05-06', 'LeBaron'),(22, 'Large', 'USA', 'Chrysler', '1960-07-07', 'Imperial'),(23, 'Small', 'USA', 'Dodge', '1943-06-02', 'Colt'),(24, 'Small', 'USA', 'Dodge', '1934-02-27', 'Shadow'),(25, 'Compact', 'USA', 'Dodge', '1932-02-26', 'Spirit'),(26, 'Van', 'USA', 'Dodge', '1946-06-12', 'Caravan'),(27, 'Midsize', 'USA', 'Dodge', '1928-03-02', 'Dynasty'),(28, 'Sporty', 'USA', 'Dodge', '1966-05-20', 'Stealth'),(29, 'Small', 'USA', 'Eagle', '1941-05-12', 'Summit'),(30, 'Large', 'USA', 'Eagle', '1963-09-17', 'Vision'),(31, 'Small', 'USA', 'Ford', '1964-10-22', 'Festiva'),(32, 'Small', 'USA', 'Ford', '1930-12-02', 'Escort'),(33, 'Compact', 'USA', 'Ford', '1950-04-19', 'Tempo'),(34, 'Sporty', 'USA', 'Ford', '1940-06-18', 'Mustang'),(35, 'Sporty', 'USA', 'Ford', '1941-05-24', 'Probe'),(36, 'Van', 'USA', 'Ford', '1935-01-27', 'Aerostar'),(37, 'Midsize', 'USA', 'Ford', '1947-10-08', 'Taurus'),(38, 'Large', 'USA', 'Ford', '1962-02-28', 'Crown_Victoria'),(39, 'Small', 'USA', 'Geo', '1965-10-30', 'Metro'),(40, 'Sporty', 'USA', 'Geo', '1955-07-07', 'Storm'),(41, 'Sporty', 'Japon', 'Honda', '1955-06-08', 'Prelude'),(42, 'Small', 'Japon', 'Honda', '1967-09-16', 'Civic'),(43, 'Compact', 'Japon', 'Honda', '1938-06-26', 'Accord'),(44, 'Small', 'South Korea', 'Hyundai', '1940-02-25', 'Excel');ALTER TABLE `car`ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`);ALTER TABLE `car`MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=45;COMMIT;/*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */;/*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */;/*!40101 SET COLLATION_CONNECTION=@OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION */;

And hit the EXECUTE button.

Once done, the csi-powerstore-test database is populated and we can click on the top blue ribbon link for the csi-powerstore-test to view the table “car”. Click on the table “car” and then select data

At this stage we have a populated MySQL database running as a POD with persistent volume on the EKS Anywhere Cluster and PowerStore CSI using iSCSI

Step-5 Testing persistence for various scenarios

SSMySQL POD Deletion: Herein we will delete the MySQL pod and verify reattachment of the persistent volume on restored pod

To test the persistence... delete the mysql pod. Kubernetes will restore the POD and our savior persistent volume is anyway helping us with the data being intact.kubectl delete pod --selector=app=mysql
pod "mysql-59bd49b967-zhcsm" deleted
kubectl get pods
adminer-5f64885f68-dww7g 1/1 Running 0 18m
mysql-59bd49b967-jhxhx 1/1 Running 0 55s

Close the browser session for the adminer application. Open a new browser session for the adminer application via the External IP and we can verify if the table “car” within the csi-powerstore-test database that we populated earlier still exists with all the entries.

Follow the navigation to database csi-powerstore-test, table car and select data

We can confirm our restored MySQL pod has successfully remounted the persistent volume by looking at the data

SSMySQL Deployment Deletion: We will delete the deployment mysql itself and not just the pod.

We will delete the deployment mysql itself and not just the pod. Note that deleting the deployments have not effect on the persistent volume claims., as they have an independent lifecycle outside of the deployments.Also note that our persistent volume is setup with the reclaim policy of Delete. So unless we delete the pvc itself, our pv should remain intact and upon recreation of the mysql deployment, the re-attachment should automatically happen with the underlying data present (table car in the csi-powerstore-test db).kubectl delete -f \
service "mysql" deleted
deployment.apps "mysql" deleted
mysqlpvc=$(kubectl get pvc --selector=name=mysql-pv-claim-powerstore-ext4 -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}')msqlpv=$(kubectl get pvc --selector=name=mysql-pv-claim-powerstore-ext4 -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].spec.volumeName}')kubectl get pvc $mysqlpvcNAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE
mysql-pv-claim-powerstore-ext4 Bound eksa1-vol-37f85727b0 8Gi RWO powerstore-ext4 171m
The volume is still intact. Let's recreate MySQL instancekubectl create -f \

service/mysql created
deployment.apps/mysql created
kubectl get pods
adminer-5f64885f68-dww7g 1/1 Running 0 23m
mysql-59bd49b967-c8g52 1/1 Running 0 12s
kubectl describe pod --selector=app=mysql<output-snip>Events:
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Scheduled 49s default-scheduler Successfully assigned default/mysql-59bd49b967-c8g52 to eksa1-md-0-d684f49cd-xqj74
Normal SuccessfulAttachVolume 49s attachdetach-controller AttachVolume.Attach succeeded for volume "eksa1-vol-37f85727b0"
Normal Pulled 43s kubelet Container image "mysql:5.6" already present on machine
Normal Created 43s kubelet Created container mysql
Normal Started 43s kubelet Started container mysql
<snip>Our volume has been successfully attached to the new deployment for MySQL instance. And you can repeat validation via the adminer interface as to whether the database csi-powerstore-test along with the table "car" and the data itself exists or not :)

SSSnapshots: Next, we move on to the snapshot capabilities introduced in Kubernetes via the external snapshotter GA project. In this scenario, we will observe creation of snapshots for the persistent volume created above.

Before we begin, let’s understand some key terms that are used in combination to create the snapshots

  • VolumeSnapshotClass (storage class for creating snapshots)
  • VolumeSnapshot (Snapshots that will target the above snapshot class)
  • VolumeSnapshotContent (The actual snapshot content)

The above concepts can be understood in further details available at Volume Snapshots | Kubernetes

And now on to the important files that are used for creating these snapshots

  • powerstore-ext4-iscsi-snapclass.yaml (template to create the volume snapshot class)
  • snapshot-sample.yaml (template for volume snapshots)
  • create-snapshot.sh (handy script to create unique datetime based snapshots)

Volume Snapshot Class

#LET'S CREATE VOLUME SNAPSHOT CLASSFirst let's observe the snapshot class filemore $HOME/eks-anywhere/powerstore/powerstore-ext4-iscsi-snap-class.yaml
apiVersion: snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: VolumeSnapshotClass
name: powerstore-ext4-iscsi-snapclass
driver: csi-powerstore.dellemc.com
# Configure what happens to a VolumeSnapshotContent when the VolumeSnapshot object
# it is bound to is to be deleted
# Allowed values:
# Delete: the underlying storage snapshot will be deleted along with the VolumeSnapshotContent object.
# Retain: both the underlying snapshot and VolumeSnapshotContent remain.
# Default value: None
# Optional: false
# Examples: Delete
deletionPolicy: Delete
As you can see this volume snapshot class leverages the powerstore csi driver to provision all the snapshotskubectl create -f $HOME/eks-anywhere/powerstore/powerstore-ext4-iscsi-snap-class.yaml
volumesnapshotclass.snapshot.storage.k8s.io/powerstore-ext4-iscsi-snapclass created
kubectl get volumesnapshotclass --field-selector \
powerstore-ext4-iscsi-snapclass csi-powerstore.dellemc.com Delete 6m46s
The below command helps in describing the volumesnapshotclass. Note kubectl describe does not take --field-selector as an argument, so we just use a handy variable and extract the name to pass it via the kubectl describe commandvolumesnapshotclass=$(kubectl get volumesnapshotclass --field-selector \
metadata.name=powerstore-ext4-iscsi-snapclass -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}')
kubectl describe volumesnapshotclass $volumesnapshotclassName: powerstore-ext4-iscsi-snapclass
Labels: <none>
Annotations: <none>
API Version: snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1
Deletion Policy: Delete
Driver: csi-powerstore.dellemc.com
Kind: VolumeSnapshotClass
Creation Timestamp: 2022-06-29T05:42:19Z
Generation: 1
Managed Fields:
API Version: snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1
Fields Type: FieldsV1
Manager: kubectl-create
Operation: Update
Time: 2022-06-29T05:42:19Z
Resource Version: 909939
UID: f15f8a65-1103-42d5-9df2-c5dc4dbfb46b
Events: <none>
At this stage we have the Volume Snapshot class created that can be used to create the PowerStore CSI based snapshots

Volume Snapshots and Snapshot contents

It is also important to understand the interaction of the below mentioned files, which are used to create the snapshots

more $HOME/eks-anywhere/mysql/standalone/powerstore-iscsi/snapshot-sample.yamlapiVersion: snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: VolumeSnapshot
name: mysql-snapshot-powerstore-ext4-iscsi-datetime
name: mysql-snapshot-powerstore-ext4-iscsi-datetime
volumeSnapshotClassName: powerstore-ext4-iscsi-snapclass
persistentVolumeClaimName: mysql-pv-claim-powerstore-ext4
# The datetime text is automatically replaced by the below script to create unique snapshots# The template has two references
a) The volume snapshot class will be used to create the snapshots
b) The persistent volume claim with which the snapshot is associated
more $HOME/eks-anywhere/mysql/standalone/powerstore-iscsi/create-snapshot.sh#!/bin/bash
NOW=$(date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
rm -rf snapshot.yaml
cp snapshot-sample.yaml snapshot.yaml
sed -i "s/datetime/$NOW/g" snapshot.yaml
kubectl create -f snapshot.yaml
As you can see the above script will insert a unique datetime reference into the snapshot template and then use kubectl to create the unique snapshot

Next let’s begin to create the baseline snapshot. Note that at this stage, we have a database called csi-powerstore-test with a table car populated with dummy data

We will create the first baseline snapshot such that all the existing data is preserved in the VolumeSnapshotContent object via the VolumeSnapshot

# Navigate to the correct directorychmod +x $HOME/eks-anywhere/mysql/standalone/powerstore-iscsi/create-snapshot.shNext, we will execute the below script three to four times so that it creates multiple snapshots at different time intervalssource $HOME/eks-anywhere/mysql/standalone/powerstore-iscsi/create-snapshot.sh

# Declare a variable to find all snapshots that include the string mysql-snapshot-powerstore-ext4-iscsi
volumesnapshotlist=$(kubectl get volumesnapshot --no-headers=true | awk '/mysql-snapshot-powerstore-ext4-iscsi/{print $1}'| xargs)# Retrieve a nice table of all snapshots created from the above scriptkubectl get volumesnapshot $volumesnapshotlist | awk {'print $1" " $3'} | column -tNAME SOURCEPVC
mysql-snapshot-powerstore-ext4-iscsi-20220629070207 mysql-pv-claim-powerstore-ext4
mysql-snapshot-powerstore-ext4-iscsi-20220629092634 mysql-pv-claim-powerstore-ext4
mysql-snapshot-powerstore-ext4-iscsi-20220629092637 mysql-pv-claim-powerstore-ext4
mysql-snapshot-powerstore-ext4-iscsi-20220629092639 mysql-pv-claim-powerstore-ext4
mysql-snapshot-powerstore-ext4-iscsi-20220629092711 mysql-pv-claim-powerstore-ext4
The volume snapshot creation has also resulted into a volume snapshot content that holds the actual data. Let's declare another variable to find all snapshot contents that have string named mysql-snapshot-powerstore-ext4-iscsivolumesnapshotcontentlist=$(kubectl get volumesnapshotcontent --no-headers=true | awk '/mysql-snapshot-powerstore-ext4-iscsi/{print $1}'| xargs)# Retrieve a nice table of all snapshot content created kubectl get volumesnapshotcontent $volumesnapshotcontentlist | awk {'print $1" " $7'} | column -t NAME VOLUMESNAPSHOT
snapcontent-6d94b8eb-44d0-4ff8-b992-3121dd66d765 mysql-snapshot-powerstore-ext4-iscsi-20220629092637
snapcontent-acbe6c83-6e8c-4d3f-a66d-b8e98ec9c633 mysql-snapshot-powerstore-ext4-iscsi-20220629070207
snapcontent-b0392419-90a1-4547-811f-8e3b5df7554d mysql-snapshot-powerstore-ext4-iscsi-20220629092634
snapcontent-b0fe2c6c-e564-47a0-a040-b63b64dd64f4 mysql-snapshot-powerstore-ext4-iscsi-20220629092639
snapcontent-de66f7c8-a772-4bfe-968a-df67c1225f65 mysql-snapshot-powerstore-ext4-iscsi-20220629092711

Next, we can see if this snapshot is actually reflected in the PowerStore console. Let’s visit the monitoring > jobs tab in the PowerStore console and we can observe that a successful snapshot creation has been completed against our volume

Next., the actual snapshot is also visible if we navigate to Dashboard > volumes > select our volume > protection. Most importantly, we can also visualize the cluster prefix the snapshot name (recall our prefix settings in the my-powerstore-settings.yaml while installing the CSI drivers)

The baseline snapshot is in place with a database “csi-powerstore-test” along with the table “car” and dummy data. We can now can start a chaos test wherein we drop the table “car” and restore the same via the baseline snapshot.

Visit the adminer application, select the database and the table “car” within it.

Drop the table “car”

The above should delete the table “car” and all the associated data within it.

Now for the obvious act of restoring our data by leveraging the baseline snapshot created above. To do so we have to create a new persistent volume claim that targets an existing VolumeSnapshot object as a datasource

To do so, we already have a template called restore-pvc-sample.yaml, which is executed via a small script called ./restore-pvc.sh. The contents of the files are shown below

more $HOME/eks-anywhere/mysql/standalone/powerstore-iscsi/restore-pvc-sample.yaml# DO NOT CHANGE DATASOURCE NAME, AS IT IS SET AUTOMATICALLY VIA THE SCRIPT
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: mysql-restored-pv-claim-powerstore-ext4
storageClassName: powerstore-ext4
name: volumeSnapshotName <<This is auto changed by the below script
kind: VolumeSnapshot
apiGroup: snapshot.storage.k8s.io
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 8Gi
more $HOME/eks-anywhere/mysql/standalone/powerstore-iscsi/restore-pvc.sh#!/bin/bash
read -p 'volumeSnapshotName: ' volumeSnapshotName
rm -rf restore-pvc.yaml
cp restore-pvc-sample.yaml restore-pvc.yaml
sed -i "s/volumeSnapshotName/$volumeSnapshotName/g" restore-pvc.yaml
kubectl create -f restore-pvc.yaml

Now let’s recover the data for the deleted table “car” in the database “csi-powerstore-test”. This is done by resurrecting a new persistent volume claim from the previously created baseline snapshot.

# FIRST STEP: IDENTIFY THE SNAPSHOT NAME THAT YOU WANT TO RECOVER FROMvolumesnapshotlist=$(kubectl get volumesnapshot --no-headers=true | awk '/mysql-snapshot-powerstore-ext4-iscsi/{print $1}'| xargs)kubectl get volumesnapshot $volumesnapshotlist | awk {'print $1" " $3'} | column -tNAME                                                 SOURCEPVC
mysql-snapshot-powerstore-ext4-iscsi-20220629070207 mysql-pv-claim-powerstore-ext4
mysql-snapshot-powerstore-ext4-iscsi-20220629092634 mysql-pv-claim-powerstore-ext4
mysql-snapshot-powerstore-ext4-iscsi-20220629092637 mysql-pv-claim-powerstore-ext4
mysql-snapshot-powerstore-ext4-iscsi-20220629092639 mysql-pv-claim-powerstore-ext4
mysql-snapshot-powerstore-ext4-iscsi-20220629092711 mysql-pv-claim-powerstore-ext4
mysql-snapshot-powerstore-ext4-iscsi-20220629094426 mysql-pv-claim-powerstore-ext4
mysql-snapshot-powerstore-ext4-iscsi-20220629123004 mysql-pv-claim-powerstore-ext4

The above table of snapshots will be sorted from oldest to latest snapshots.

# SECOND STEP: RUN THE PVC RESTORATION SCRIPT. It will prompt you for the snapshot name. Provide the value from the above stepsource $HOME/eks-anywhere/mysql/standalone/powerstore-iscsi/restore-pvc.sh
volumeSnapshotName: mysql-snapshot-powerstore-ext4-iscsi-20220629123004
persistentvolumeclaim/mysql-restored-pv-claim-powerstore-ext4 createdkubectl get pvc
mysql-pv-claim-powerstore-ext4 Bound eksa1-vol-37f85727b0 8Gi RWO powerstore-ext4 10h
mysql-restored-pv-claim-powerstore-ext4 Bound eksa1-vol-d64b451184 8Gi RWO powerstore-ext4 3m39s

As you can see from the above log, we have reconstructed a new persistent volume via the baseline snapshot. Next, it’s time to use this restored persistent volume for our MySQL deployment and verify if the data is in-tact via the baseline snapshot. To do so., we will need to alter the persistent volume claim name in the mysql.yaml file as shown below

The persistent volume claim name is referenced as claimName in the last line of the mysql.yaml file.vi $HOME/eks-anywhere/mysql/standalone/powerstore-iscsi/mysql.yamlTHE CLAIM NAME IS THE LAST LINE IN THE YAML FILE. PLEASE BE CAREFUL WITH YAML FORMATTING WHILE EDITING THE VALUES# Original claimName
claimName: mysql-pv-claim-powerstore-ext4
# New claimNameclaimName: mysql-restored-pv-claim-powerstore-ext4kubectl delete deployment mysql
deployment.apps "mysql" deleted
kubectl create -f $HOME/eks-anywhere/mysql/standalone/powerstore-iscsi/mysql.yaml
deployment.apps/mysql created <<< MySQL has been recreated
Error from server (AlreadyExists): error when creating "mysql.yaml": services "mysql" already exists <<< IGNORE THIS ERROR AS WE ONLY DELETED THE DEPLOYMENT
kubectl get pods
adminer-5f64885f68-dww7g 1/1 Running 0 7h59m
mysql-7f475d48d-bhgtj 1/1 Running 0 33s
kubectl describe pod --selector=app=mysql<output-snip>Events:
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Scheduled 91s default-scheduler Successfully assigned default/mysql-7f475d48d-bhgtj to eksa1-md-0-d684f49cd-xqj74
Normal SuccessfulAttachVolume 89s attachdetach-controller AttachVolume.Attach succeeded for volume "eksa1-vol-d64b451184"
Normal Pulled 78s kubelet Container image "mysql:5.6" already present on machine
Normal Created 78s kubelet Created container mysql
Normal Started 78s kubelet Started container mysql

From the above logs in kubectl describe pod, you can see the persistent volume created from the snapshot has been attached to the newly created MySQL pod.

In addition, we can also verify the creation of the new persistent volume in our PowerStore console. You can also observe that our original volume has now a Host mapping of “0” and the newly created volume from the snapshot has a Host mapping of “1”

Let’s verify the data by logging into the adminer web interface and navigating to the database csi-powerstore-test and selecting the table “car”

The database csi-powerstore-test hosted via the MySQL pod has been restored based on the baseline snapshot and the associated persistent volume.

With this we come to a close for this article hoping that you have been able to comprehend the installation of PowerStore CSI, workload deployment, scenario testing, etc.






Ambar Hassani
Ambar Hassani

Written by Ambar Hassani

26+ years of blended experience of technology & people leadership, startup management and disruptive acceleration/adoption of next-gen technologies

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